Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012

Intelligent Law

Excerpt from the Constitution of the state of California, 1849

Constitution of the State of California.


SEC. 5. No idiot or insane person, or person convicted of any infamous crime, shall be entitled to the privileges of an elector.

Given at Monterey, California, this 12th day of October, A.D., 1849.

Should we adopt this into the US Constitution ?

It would disqualify at least half of the US Congress.....


A Random collection of Axioms which I've collected, and have served me well in my years so far. The one's I've actually followed...Credit, and rights to the respective authors.

Everything you really needed to know, you learned in kindergarten.

The most important learning in life, is the ability to learn.

Trust nothing but fact.

Put away for a rainy day.

If you think the world will end tomorrow, and you have nothing to lose, it will not, and you will wait a long time for it to end, having nothing to lose.

If you build a castle, you must defend it; everything has it's price.

Honesty is the best policy.

Be true to yourself, and you can be false to no man.

Never lie, and you have nothing to remember.

The most remarkable lives are comprised of unremarkable events.

When you drink, be able to walk home. Be able to find your home, and be able to fight your way there.

Fighting is a last resort to solve a problem. The 1st man to resort to violence is the 1st to have run out of ideas. Choose your fights carefully, calulate what you will gain from fighting. choose fights you can win. And when you choose to fight, make sure you win.

When the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back.

Management is a sign on the desk; leadership decided to build the desk, and then built it.

"When 10 men in a room are all thinking alike, at least one is not thinking". George S. Patton

Whenever you find yourself in a dark tunnel, imagine that you have arrived in the light after the tunnel. Imagine yourself looking back, and imagine that you are proud of your behavior during the dark times. Now walk through the darkness this way.

The woman you are interested in is not necessarily the ones who look at you, it is the one who does not.

"Whatever your hand finds to do under the sun, do it with all your might" . Solomon

Never stand behind a horse.

There are many things for which you will be remembered forever; money is not one of them.

If people say you're always wrong, just think of one time you were correct; if you can remember one, they are the one's who are incorrect.

Why spend your leisure bereft of pleasure, you'll take no money within the grave.

The 1st time you defend a woman's honor, you might find that some women don't have any.

Dark Tunnel

When you are in the darkness of the tunnel, and cannot see light at the end, and cannot go back, recall the theory that there is light at the other end.

Remember the last time you exited such a tunnel. If you did it once, you can do it again.

Since you are still alive, you have probably successfully exited most of the dark tunnels in your life, meaning your percentage chance of exiting this one are quite high.

Do not attempt to turn left or right in a tunnel, the mathematics dictates a low chance of success with either of these strategies.

Think about the last time you were in such a tunnel, and let the pressure get to you, and behaved badly.

Now think about when you exited a tunnel, looked back on your time in the tunnel, and were proud of your performance under pressure, in dire straits. Now remember that pride.

Now behave in the darkness of the tunnel with pride; with poise - exhibit the behavior that you were proud of during your last dark times, in full confidence you will exit the tunnel, will look back from your success with the satisfaction of how you behaved during the dark times.

It is this behavior that will carry you through any tunnel in which you find yourself.

Don't Wait...

Don't wait.
Carpe Diem

Do it now, while you're young

There are things in life, you will want to accomplish before a certain age, or condition in life.

Just when you think you'll never end up like "that old guy".

You will.

This is God's humor.

Rock now, before it's too loud.

Go to war now - prove yourself now, before you're too slow.
You may die, but then again - you will die someday, far better to go down in bravery, and potential glory than in the rocking chair.

Play football one more time before you injure yourself just running onto the field.

Fall in love with her, while you still have something to offer her.

Make a list of 10 things to do now, while you still can. There *will* come a day where you *will not* be able to do these things.

Do it now while you have hair.
Do it now while you still have straight teeth, and they're all yours.
Do it now while standing up in the  morning does not hurt.
Do it now, before most of your friends are dead.
Do it now before you realize you've become that old guy.
Do it now, before you realize you long for the "good old days"

Live hard, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

But if you can't manage that - some of us don't live with the luxury of deciding our days on earth - God does that - Do it now, while you still can.


Why is it called "two" ?

The dance-hall theory - the men stand on one side, wishing the women would accept an offer to dance. The Women stand on the other side, wishing the men would ask...everyone leaves with unfulfilled dreams...

If you buy an expensive watch, it is more likely to be lost within 48 hours of purchase, than the cheap $10 model, which lasts 20 years.

Humans are never happy with what we have; we always want what we cannot obtain.

The guy who drinks and smokes too much, carouses til all hours of the morning, and eats anything and everything unhealthy, lives until 100. The guy who watches his weight, gets regular excercise, doesn't drink, or smoke, dies of heart failure at 45.

This is part of Murphy's law, and God's wisdom - like the Kiwi bird, or the size of the avocado seed.

Most unhealthy things in life kill by causing people to worry about them.

Those who have are those who get; those who have not, stay that way.

ad infinitum...

Rescuing Democracy

Rules for rescuing democracy. If all voters in democratic countries adopt these simple rules, we might actually see change for the positive. Yes We Can.

#1 I will never vote for a person who has been elected to any public office for any public office.

#2 I will always vote for the best person for the job, someone I personally know and trust to execute the office in the interest of the people.

Now do the math....

Samstag, 2. Juni 2012


As i grow older, I am really coming to appreciate the expression of my thoughts via writing.

I again enjoy re-reading books and stories by Asimov that inspired my creativity, my fascination for sciences when I was young.

The man was brilliant.

It would be excellent if, as Isaac Asimov, my thoughts and imagination flowed onto the paper, that I relished the next session in my attic in front of the typewriter, not being able to wait, or to contain the thoughts that would gracefully, and passionately flow onto the paper.

I wished I were half as brilliant, intelligent enough to put my thoughts into a book form, perhaps sell it to a publisher, become a best-selling author - heaven knows there are quite a few idiots, who have done well for themselves writing the obvious, and making millions at it.

This guy who wrote "men are from mars.." or something of the nature - anyone who's married for more than 2 years knows everything he wrote.

I suppose that there is much that I have learned that is interesting to absolutely no one on this planet, perhaps another somewhere in the universe. Or perhaps they already know everything that my 40-some years has taught me, and it's all boring for them. I suppose if this were true, one of them would have written it all in book form and sold it to a publisher, and become a best-selling author.

Once reported that from a survey of the "best" English-language authors of all time, a large number were actually Irish. also from this list, a large number of the people listed were alcoholics.

So it would seem logically that alcohol increases ones writing abilities.

I am therefore drinking heavily, working on the first step toward becoming a great author.

Modern Communication

I am certainly getting old. From writing hex code, deciphering EBCDIC and ASCII
almost in my head - I find myself struggling with this blog editor interface and newfangled bits like HTML email.

Either I'm old, or the design of such interfaces is less than efficient.

The newest thing appears we're all so lazied with Instant messaging, our attention buffers have been reduced to a few bytes, unable to process any written communication longer than "howz u?".

Those of us who's elders laboriously tarried to pound proper use of the Queen's good English (and other sundry variants) into the fabric of our being and habit appeared to have done well. I attempt to be a good example by writing in complete, grammatically correct (I always felt better reading that Hemmingway also struggled with English grammar), and correctly spelled English. (or German in my case).

The result is my writing is consistently, horridly misunderstood.

Who's in the wrong ? Of course, the readers.

Appearance is that this is simply a sign of the times, younger generation, faster moving technology, which more rapidly is having a greater impact on society, and us humans - how we live, and think.

It seems technical writing is a vanishing art - replaced with screenshots (can you search these yet ?) and instructional videos, which really don't lend themselves to communicating detail, like the electrical characteristics of a Hartley-Colpitts oscillator.

Customer surveys indicate us older folks want to talk to a human. Our children ? they'd rather use a web form, or a voice call menu to get things done.

I find myself knowing I need to flex to the environment around me, particularly when using any word with more than 2 syllables is achieving nothing but inefficiency and misunderstanding - it's all about being effective.

"Can U pls send the multi-thread 24 core CPU schematic? tx"

Then again, when I read a recent study which found that the average US congressperson reads and writes at an 8th grade level - are these geniuses "stooping" to communicate with the ill-educated masses... ?

I'd have never graduated high school with levels that poor. My gut instinct is to
try and use modern popular media to make it "uncool" to be illiterate. Continue to raise the bar, and motivate people to jump - to be effective at communication, not just brief.

It almost seems we're lowering the bar, because we're simply too unmotivated to jump...

Having worked in technology for the last 20-odd years - I suppose I'm partly to blame, now feeling like Oppenheimer and Einstein - having given an atomic bomb to kindergarteners.

With this atomic communication bomb, the next generation will be able to mis-communicate themselves into oblivion...

"Yes, we know the reactor is in meltdown, the plant is 30 years old, and I can't find the repair manual on Youtube!"

First Blog entry, test with no ACK