Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012

Don't Wait...

Don't wait.
Carpe Diem

Do it now, while you're young

There are things in life, you will want to accomplish before a certain age, or condition in life.

Just when you think you'll never end up like "that old guy".

You will.

This is God's humor.

Rock now, before it's too loud.

Go to war now - prove yourself now, before you're too slow.
You may die, but then again - you will die someday, far better to go down in bravery, and potential glory than in the rocking chair.

Play football one more time before you injure yourself just running onto the field.

Fall in love with her, while you still have something to offer her.

Make a list of 10 things to do now, while you still can. There *will* come a day where you *will not* be able to do these things.

Do it now while you have hair.
Do it now while you still have straight teeth, and they're all yours.
Do it now while standing up in the  morning does not hurt.
Do it now, before most of your friends are dead.
Do it now before you realize you've become that old guy.
Do it now, before you realize you long for the "good old days"

Live hard, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

But if you can't manage that - some of us don't live with the luxury of deciding our days on earth - God does that - Do it now, while you still can.

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