Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012


A Random collection of Axioms which I've collected, and have served me well in my years so far. The one's I've actually followed...Credit, and rights to the respective authors.

Everything you really needed to know, you learned in kindergarten.

The most important learning in life, is the ability to learn.

Trust nothing but fact.

Put away for a rainy day.

If you think the world will end tomorrow, and you have nothing to lose, it will not, and you will wait a long time for it to end, having nothing to lose.

If you build a castle, you must defend it; everything has it's price.

Honesty is the best policy.

Be true to yourself, and you can be false to no man.

Never lie, and you have nothing to remember.

The most remarkable lives are comprised of unremarkable events.

When you drink, be able to walk home. Be able to find your home, and be able to fight your way there.

Fighting is a last resort to solve a problem. The 1st man to resort to violence is the 1st to have run out of ideas. Choose your fights carefully, calulate what you will gain from fighting. choose fights you can win. And when you choose to fight, make sure you win.

When the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back.

Management is a sign on the desk; leadership decided to build the desk, and then built it.

"When 10 men in a room are all thinking alike, at least one is not thinking". George S. Patton

Whenever you find yourself in a dark tunnel, imagine that you have arrived in the light after the tunnel. Imagine yourself looking back, and imagine that you are proud of your behavior during the dark times. Now walk through the darkness this way.

The woman you are interested in is not necessarily the ones who look at you, it is the one who does not.

"Whatever your hand finds to do under the sun, do it with all your might" . Solomon

Never stand behind a horse.

There are many things for which you will be remembered forever; money is not one of them.

If people say you're always wrong, just think of one time you were correct; if you can remember one, they are the one's who are incorrect.

Why spend your leisure bereft of pleasure, you'll take no money within the grave.

The 1st time you defend a woman's honor, you might find that some women don't have any.

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